
Monday, December 24, 2001 2:34 PM
september 11th victims compensation fund


Dear Sir/Madam:
I would like to comment on the wording of the fund that relates to physical harm. i severly hurt my back and neck on sept. 11 running away from tower 2 after the second plane hit the building. i worked in tower two along with my brother and sister-in-law, who were both killed. i did not make it to a doctor the next day because i was working the telephones trying to find the where abouts of my brother and sister-in-law. sadly to say we could not locate them anywhere, but this is the reason that i did not make it to my doctor within 24 hours. i saw and was examined by my physician on september 13th. i have been out of work since september 11th on workmans compensation. i have never had any prior neck or back injuries and find it unreasonable, almost unethical, to deny someone like myself access to the fund. i feel that Mr. Feinberg, should consider the circumstances involving my case and amend the rules of the fund so that true physical injury victims can go forward and use the fund. in my case it was impossible to see a doctor with in 24 hours due to the fact that my brother and sister-in-law were both missing and later confirmed dead. i request that the special master change this criteria or at least examine cases like mine that have truly extenuating circumstances. i look forward to a reply.
Thank You,
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