
Friday, January 18, 2002 12:01 PM

Payment for victims pain and suffering should be uniform and limited as proposed by Mr. Feinberg. There is no adequate compensation for pain and suffering, and no way to measure these damages. The only fair and workable method of compensation is a set sum, which in no case will be adequate compensation to the physically injured and deceased. This category of payment should not be an award to survivors.

Similarly, payment for economic losses should be appropriately offset by collateral sources. Individuals who were prudent and had life insurance, or fortunate to have other forms of compensation, are in a better position that those who did not. It is not a penalty to offset federal victims' compensation by those resources. The fund should assist those who have need, not serve as a bonus for those who do not.

While recognizing the heroism of firefighters, police officers, EMS personnel, and others similarly employed, the fact remains that they chose hazardous professions. To the extent they are compensated by professional funds, employee benefits, life insurance policies, and other victims funds, their economic losses should not be doubly compensated. It takes nothing away from our appreciation for their sacrifices to provide compensation for others who lack these resources.

As a taxpayer, I favor providing compensation for economic loss to those who have an actual need. My sympathy for the victims is boundless, but common sense and a recognition of fiscal constraints and equity must be used to determine what payments will be made.

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