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Diagram 3: GLI Salary Change Non-Driver (Current)

Diagram 3: GLI Salary Change Non-Driver (Current)

Legend: * = Failure Point

First Keying

  1. * Manager Completes a PAF
  2. * Manager emails PAF for Approval
  3. Approval Process via email
  4. * PAF gets forwarded to Appropriate Payroll Email Box
  5. HRIS Associate logs into Email box
  6. * Verify Approval Levels (This is a sub process that includes: 2 additional manual steps and 1 additional manual decision)
  7. Print PAF
  8. HRIS Associate logs into HR1
  9. * PAF is verified for completeness
  10. Complete?
    1. If No, Send PAF back to location to be completed, then continue to Second Keying
    2. If Yes, continue to Second Keying

Second Keying

  1. * Salary Change is entered into HR1
  2. * Salary Increases in Prior Pay Period?
    1. If Yes, Retro Pay, then continue to Daily Changes
    2. If No, continue to Daily Changes
  3. Daily Changes (with next Payroll)
  4. ADP Transmission to Mainframe

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Updated January 16, 2023