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Slide 9, Image 4

Slide 9, Image 4

A screen shot of a personilized Planet PeopleSoft web page.

It shows three columns.

Column one contains the user's first name, search, navigation links, and NorthStar's links.

Column two contains PeopleSoft top stories, PeopleSoft Headline News, Product and Technology article links and a category called Manager Dashboard.

Column three contains a search category for PeopleSoft University and a category called Employee Dashboard with links to stock (employee stock options), a link to what appears to be employee compensation, and a link to expenses.

The screen shot has been marked with arrow pointing to the personalization section (e.g. where the user's name is being displayed on the first column at the top) and an arrow pointing to column two news categories, product and technology links. This arrow is categorizing this section of the second column as pagelets.

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Updated August 14, 2015