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Taking Olmstead into the Future: An Evolving Vision of Community Integration for People with Disabilities

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Watch Olmstead into the Future: An Evolving Vision of Community Integration for People with Disabilities on YouTube.

To commemorate the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Olmstead v. L.C., the Civil Rights Division hosted a virtual event in which Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke interviewed Estelle Richman, former Secretary of Public Welfare for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and Keris Myrick, Co-Director of the Mental Health Strategic Impact Initiative. The discussion focused on how the Olmstead decision and the Americans with Disabilities Act’s “integration mandate” have impacted the lives of people with disabilities and how disability service systems and the criminal justice system can work to prevent needless segregation.

Updated September 2, 2022

Civil Rights
Civil Rights
Disability Rights
Community Outreach