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Guidelines for 2024 Chief FOIA Officer Reports

The FOIA requires all agency Chief FOIA Officers to report to the Attorney General on their performance in implementing the FOIA.  5 U.S.C. § 552(j)(2)(D) (2018).  The Attorney General’s FOIA Guidelines highlight the key role played by each agency’s Chief FOIA Officer and emphasize that “ensuring fair and effective FOIA administration requires support from agency leadership.”  Accordingly, the Guidelines direct agency Chief FOIA Officers to “undertake comprehensive reviews of all aspects of their agencies’ FOIA administration” and to report each year to the Department of Justice on the steps taken “to improve FOIA operations and facilitate information disclosure.”

Since 2010, agencies have highlighted in their Chief FOIA Officer Reports a wide range of initiatives, big and small, that have been undertaken to improve transparency.  Every year since the establishment of this reporting requirement, OIP has prepared a comprehensive annual assessment of agency compliance with the FOIA, which combines pertinent details outlined by agencies in their Chief FOIA Officer Reports with data from their Annual FOIA Reports.  These assessments are accompanied by a summary of agency Chief FOIA Officer Reports, which describes the various initiatives undertaken by agencies. Additionally, each year during Sunshine Week, OIP highlights success stories from the Chief FOIA Officer Reports. OIP will once again prepare and release an assessment after the submission of the 2024 Chief FOIA Officer Reports. 

In addition to the summary and assessment, based on its review of agency Chief FOIA Officer Reports, OIP issues guidance each year on steps that can be taken by agencies to achieve greater transparency in the years ahead.  Over the last eight years, these guidance articles have addressed the importance of:

  • interoperability with,
  • applying the foreseeable harm standard,
  • identifying and posting proactive disclosures,
  • alternative means of access of commonly requested records,
  • strategically managing backlogs and reducing the age of pending requests,
  • updating FOIA Reference Guides,
  • quarterly and annual reporting reminders,
  • using advanced technology to process requests,
  • limitations on the use of “still interested” letters,
  • conducting self-assessments,
  • focusing on quality FOIA training,
  • closing the ten oldest pending requests and appeals pending at each agency every year,
  • utilizing multitrack processing,
  • improving processing times for simple track requests, and
  • communicating with requesters electronically.

Topics to be Addressed and Format of 2024 Chief FOIA Officer Reports

In accordance with the Attorney General’s Guidelines, OIP is charged with the responsibility of providing guidance to agencies on the timing and content of agency Chief FOIA Officer Reports to the Attorney General.  The guidelines for the 2024 reports are set out below.

For 2024, the five sections of the report guidelines reflect the Attorney General’s Guidelines issued in March 2022.  Many of the questions remain the same as prior years, although some have been modified or added to address changes in agencies’ FOIA administrations.  As agencies continue to make improvements to their FOIA operations it is important that the Chief FOIA Officer Reports reflect the more advanced steps agencies are taking to implement FOIA law and policy.  At the same time, it is also important that the Chief FOIA Officer Reports address those areas where agencies need to improve.  

Reporting Standards for Agencies Based on Volume of Requests Received

In 2014, OIP began issuing separate reporting requirements for agencies based on the volume of the FOIA requests they receive.  As in prior years, the requirements for the Chief FOIA Officer Reports differ depending upon whether the agency received more than 50 requests in the preceding fiscal year.

Agencies that received more than 50 requests in Fiscal Year 2022:

To complete the 2024 Chief FOIA Officer Report, these agencies should answer the questions provided in this template.

As in previous years, the 2024 Chief FOIA Officer Reports should provide an overall picture of each agency’s activities.  Thus, even for those agencies that process requests on a decentralized basis, by component, the Chief FOIA Officer Report should contain agency overall answers and should not be broken down by component.  Instead, it should be organized by the five key topical areas.  Then, within the discussion of each key area, data and examples from the agency’s various components can be provided.  That approach makes it easier to understand how the agency overall is addressing various aspects of their FOIA administration. 

Agencies that received 50 requests or less in Fiscal Year 2022:

Agencies with low volumes of requests listed in the second chart below are not required to report if they believe that their Annual FOIA Report provides a sufficient accounting of their efforts to effectively and efficiently administer the FOIA.  While not required, OIP does encourage low volume agencies to provide descriptions of any FOIA efforts or success stories that are not captured in their Annual FOIA Report (see template).  OIP highlights these examples in its Summaries of the Chief FOIA Office Reports and during other public presentations, such as DOJ’s Sunshine Week event, for the benefit of all agencies.  Such examples can also help inform OIP in our efforts to encourage government-wide compliance with the FOIA.  Small volume agencies that have information to report can use this template to provide their narrative. 

Deadlines for Submitting 2024 Chief FOIA Officer Reports

All agencies receiving more than 50 requests must submit their 2024 Chief FOIA Officer Reports to OIP for review no later than Tuesday, January 16, 2024.

Agencies receiving 50 requests or less that choose to report should provide their 2024 Chief FOIA Officer Reports to OIP for review no later than Friday, February 9, 2024.

The drafts should be submitted by email to (link sends e-mail).  Please use the following text for the subject line of the email:  Draft [insert agency name] Chief FOIA Officer Report.

For agencies receiving more than 50 requests, once your report is reviewed and cleared by OIP, it should be posted on your agency’s website.  Agencies receiving 50 requests or less that choose to report are encouraged to post their reports online as well.  OIP, in turn, will make all posted Chief FOIA Officer Reports available to the public on the Department of Justice’s website.  For 2024, agency Chief FOIA Officer Reports should be posted in final form by no later than Monday, March 11, 2024.

If you have any questions regarding your agency’s 2024 Chief FOIA Officer Report, you can contact OIP’s FOIA Compliance Team at 202-514-3642, or by using the e-mail noted above.

Time Frame for Report

Unless otherwise noted, agency 2024 Chief FOIA Officer Reports should address agency activities that have occurred since the posting deadline of last year’s Report, which was March 13, 2023, up until the posting of the 2024 Report (March 11, 2024).  Thus, the general reporting period for the Chief FOIA Officer Reports is March 2023 to March 2024.

Agencies Receiving More Than 50 Requests in Fiscal Year 2022

Central Intelligence Agency

Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board

Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Consumer Product Safety Commission

Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency

Council on Environmental Quality

Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency

Department of Agriculture

Department of Commerce

Department of Defense

Department of Education

Department of Energy

Department of Health and Human Services

Department of Homeland Security

Department of Housing and Urban Development

Department of Justice

Department of Labor

Department of the Interior

Department of the Treasury

Department of Transportation

Department of Veterans Affairs

Environmental Protection Agency

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Export-Import Bank of the U.S.

Federal Communications Commission

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Federal Election Commission

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Federal Housing Finance Agency

Federal Labor Relations Authority

Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service

Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission

Federal Reserve System

Federal Trade Commission

General Services Administration

Merit Systems Protection Board

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

National Archives and Records Administration

National Credit Union Administration

National Labor Relations Board

National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak)

National Science Foundation

National Transportation Safety Board

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission

Office of Government Ethics

Office of Management and Budget

Office of Personnel Management

Office of Science and Technology Policy

Office of Special Counsel

Office of the Director of National Intelligence

Office of the United States Trade Representative

Peace Corps

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

Securities and Exchange Commission

Small Business Administration

Social Security Administration

Surface Transportation Board

Tennessee Valley Authority

U.S. Agency for Global Media

U.S. Agency for International Development

U.S. Commission on Civil Rights

U.S. Department of State

U.S. Election Assistance Commission

U.S. Railroad Retirement Board

United States Copyright Office

United States International Trade Commission

United States Postal Service


Agencies Receiving 50 Requests or Less in Fiscal Year 2022

Administrative Conference of the United States

Advisory Council on Historic Preservation

American Battle Monuments Commission

Appraisal Subcommittee

Armed Forces Retirement Home

Commission of Fine Arts

Committee for Purchase from People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled

Corporation for National and Community Service (operating as AmeriCorps)

Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

Denali Commission

Farm Credit Administration

Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation

Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council

Federal Maritime Commission

Federal Open Market Committee

Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council

Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board

Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council

Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation

Institute of Museum and Library Services

Inter-American Foundation

James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation

Legal Services Corporation

Marine Mammal Commission

Millennium Challenge Corporation

Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation

National Capital Planning Commission

National Council on Disability

National Endowment for the Arts

National Endowment for the Humanities

National Indian Gaming Commission

National Mediation Board

Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation

Office of National Drug Control Policy

Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation

Office of the Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator

Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction

Postal Regulatory Commission

Presidio Trust

Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board

Selective Service System

Social Security Advisory Board

U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad

U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness

U.S. International Development Finance Corporation

U.S. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board

United States Access Board

United States African Development Foundation

United States Institute of Peace

United States International Boundary and Water Commission

United States Trade and Development Agency

Updated September 20, 2023