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Claims Under the Guam WWII Loyalty Recognition Act

Guam World War II Loyalty Recognition Act Program

On December 23, 2016, President Obama signed into law the Guam World War II Loyalty Recognition Act, Title XVII, Public Law 114-328 (Act), which authorized the Commission to conduct a supplemental war claims compensation program for victims and survivors of the attack and occupation of Guam by Imperial Japanese military forces during World War II and the liberation of Guam by United States military forces. The Act covered claims for death, rape, personal injury, severe personal injury, forced labor, forced march, internment, and hiding to evade internment.  As required under Section 1705 of the Act, on June 20, 2017, the Commission published notice in the Federal Register announcing the commencement of the Guam Claims Program and setting a filing deadline of June 20, 2018.  On that same date, the Commission also published notice of the deadline for filing claims in newspaper, radio, and television media in Guam.  Consequently, the statutory deadline for filing claims under the Act was June 20, 2018.  

The Commission received 3,923 claims pursuant to the Act and rendered Final Decisions in all the claims, issuing awards totaling $34.3 million.  All the Commission's decisions are now posted on the Final Opinions and Orders page of this website.  Following completion of its adjudication, the Commission made a final certification of the awards to the Secretary of the Treasury for payment on August 11, 2022.

Final Claims Statistics

Below please find the final claim statistics of the Commission's adjudication under the Act.  For more detailed information, please refer to the program index.


Claims of Compensable Guam Victims

Claims of Survivors of a Compensable Guam Decedent

Claims Received



Decisions Issued *



Total Value of Awards



*  The difference between the number of claims filed and the number of decisions issued results from the Commission’s practice of consolidating claims arising from the same cause of action under a single decision.

Updated October 12, 2023