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Victim Witness Assistance

Victim & Witness Assistance
If you are a victim or a witness to a crime, the Victim - Witness Assistance Program is designed to provide you with services while you are involved with the criminal justice system.

Project Safe Neighborhood

Project Safe Neighborhoods
Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) is a comprehensive national program to reduce gun violence at the local level.

Project Safe Childhood

Project Safe Childhood
Project Safe Childhood (PSC) is a Department of Justice initiative that aims to combat the proliferation of technology-facilitated sexual exploitation crimes against children.


Tribal Matters
The District of Nevada works to be a resource in a number of areas concerning Tribal matters, to include policies and procedures of the U.S. Attorney's Office with respect to Indian Country investigations and prosecutions, federal offenses and their statutory elements, information concerning jurisdiction, maps of Nevada and our various Tribes, reservations and colonies, victim information and resources, Tribal profiles of each of our Tribes, reservations and colonies and pertinent points of contact for our Tribes, law enforcement partners, victims and witnesses.

Heroin and Opioid Awareness


Heroin and Opioid Awareness

Opioid and prescription drug abuse have become America's fastest-growing drug problem and have devastated communities across America. 

Environmental Justice


Environmental Justice 

Everyone deserves to live, work, play, worship, or learn in a place free from pollution. Through interagency collaboration, the U.S. Attorney's Office works to make environmental justice a reality for all communities.

Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee



The Law Enforcement Coordinator focuses include national priorities, such as addressing terrorism, firearms crimes, gang crime, narcotics trafficking, Project Safe Neighborhoods, Project Safe Childhood as well as local priorities that address the specific needs of our law enforcement community.

Smart On Crime



The District of Nevada started its Reentry Court in hopes to break the cycle of recidivism. The program is intended for high-risk offenders who have a documented history of substance abuse, who do not have a violent criminal conviction. The goal of the court is to decrease recidivism by combining more intensive supervision with improved access to counseling and treatment.



Community Outreach



The U.S. Attorney’s Office engages in a number of community outreach opportunities in order to establish an ongoing dialogue with the public we serve. By providing speakers, organizing and attending meetings, and planning or participating in specialized programs and events, we are better able to address the public safety concerns of those we serve while enhancing community trust.

Updated January 17, 2023